I believe the hardest part of starting anything in life is to start; OK I am starting right now.
I’ve often wonder what to write about. I live a small life, a small but a meaningful life. I am grateful and I spend a lot of my days contemplating the fortune and the gift of being alive. At first, I thought to be ‘kidding’ myself by thinking that I was superficially happy, that my smiles were often hiding deep pain, but after much deliberation, I realize I have absolutely no reason not to be 'happy'.
I am healthy, I have the love of my family, I have the love of my friends. The beauty of the world around me is beyond measure. Sure, there are days that are harder than others, sure, I’ve suffered pain in my life and yet I feel like my suffering was mostly because I was not able to learn to deal with pain. I believe I am learning now. I feel I am able to embrace pain and welcome it as a positive learning experience and as part of being alive.
My life’s purpose among other things is to bring joy to anyone who wants to read my blog, to inject positive energy, to share anecdotes about life and to maintain a positive flow of energy and kind vibrations throughout the universe in good and also in bad times.
So let me start my blog as if we were already in the middle of a conversation…(and yes, does this remind you of a movie?) would you remember which movie this is?
It’s a beautiful day in the City of San Francisco. I take a break from a project at work and inhale. I have a nice big window that overlooks the street downtown. I am enjoying the passing of the clouds and remembering that the two plants on my desk need watering. Their names Kimmie and Tamara. By the way, have you tried, for a change, to live in the moment? carpe punctum – seize the moment? to truly take the time to look at the items on your desk, at the coffee mug, at the water glass, at everything around you? to listen to the different noises, the smells, and open your senses to the now; this happens to be a great way for me to quiet the chatter in my brain, this seems to be the answer to many things that I will share with you...
For now, give this a try. Try. Carpe Punctum.