I only went out for a walk and finally concluded to stay out till sundown, for going out, I found, was really going in. ~John Muir, 1913, in L.M. Wolfe, ed., John Muir, John of the Mountains: The Unpublished Journals of John Muir, 1938


Self Love Program - Day #8

I am not sure if ya’ll know that I started a 30 day Self Love program.

On this 8th day of my 30 day self love program, I’d like to share my gratitude; I am grateful for having the circle of friends that I have, my great companions and who encourage me daily to Love myself. Thank you friends!!!

So get this!, I did not know loving myself would be so much fun!!. For the first time, I can honestly say that I am doing things strictly and exclusively for ME, without a ‘second agenda’, meaning, they are not because I want to impress someone else, or because I saw a dress that needs to fit me, or looks that I envy, or because I yearn for my 16 year old body back, etc.

Today, I look in the mirror and recite my affirmations, and admire how beautiful I am, how grateful I am for my health (even if I am sick at the moment), and how fortunate I am to be able to reach my goals, step by step and all within my reach, I am happy of the commitment I made to myself, of the love I share and it’s given to me, and of blissciplines that bring me security and happiness.

I feel my love is concentrated on truth and bliss. I love my curves, I love my personality, and I love the world around me, I love my family, I love my friends, I choose to feel good, I choose to stay healthy.

I give great thanks for having the power to smile and coax others to do the same….so contagious is a smile when it comes from your heart and your belly!!.

I encourage you today to write down your affirmations. To look for thoughts that bring you prosperity, love, peace, health. To practice these thoughts until they become the dominant thoughts inside you.




As I said before, I like to start my blog as if we were already in the middle of a conversation....

So, in order to keep my life together I make lists, I make lists for everything!. I make lists about things to pack for a vacation, things I need to do at work, things I need to buy, lists of movies to see, of books to read, of words to learn. If I don’t have my lists I go ‘mad’! (but in case you haven’t noticed I am already mad!). I make little squares on the left side of each scribble, and then cross them out as I am done with them. They work marvelously!.

I also like acrostics. They are a pretty awesome way to remember things to do…specially with my ADD and all…

So I came up with my EVERY DAY discipline list. The things that I remember to do every day. Then I thought…why not make it an acrostic. So since I like the Ocean and I also like the Trees, and I also like words, and I can use words in different ways and different meanings, I came up with:


So…to remember my Every day TO DO list here it is:

Write a journal: a strong and awesome way to get to know myself. Include also my Gratitude journal.

Exercise: My body, my mind, my soul. Running, surfing, hiking, diving, laughing?, yoga, these are all included here.

Awareness: Of my surroundings, of the Sun and the Moon, people, nature, recycling, of my words, of the World.

Read: Enjoy and comprehend what I read. The brain is a muscle that needs to be used; reading is the greatest food for the brain. Me loves to read in other languages too!

Eat Healthy: My body is a temple. I must remember I only have the one given to me in this life time, can’t return it, exchange it or re-grow it. darn!

Smile: Smile because I can cry, cry because I can smile and then smile about the fact that I can do either or.

Work: My every day distraction. Enjoy it, welcome it, and be grateful I have it.

Educate my mind. Absorb good teachings, good energy, comprehend and digest what I can.

Love: Love me, love people, love nature, love life, in no particular order.

Listen to Learn something new. A big challenge for me! LISTEN to LEARN! Every day I learn something new.

Talk: That’s an easy one for me, but the challenge is to 'think' before I speak. Express myself! be grateful I have a voice! a strong voice!.

Replenish my spiritual energy: Meditate, connect with the Divine Source, with God, with Jesus, with Brahma, with Buddha, with Mohamed, with Nature… to remind myself ‘They’ are ALWAYS connected and a part of me.

Erase the Chatter: The chatter box, the negative thoughts of my mind need to stay away; it’s not easy but if I do it everyday, I just might be able to keep them down to a minimum, with them fade away illnesses and addictions.

Enjoy every moment: Do not think of the future, do not dwell on the past, enjoy the now.

Sleep Well: For the brain to function, sleep well. We have 60,000 thoughts a day (yikes!), we need a little break.

Then finally, I remember my word of the year. I picked Simplicity. I think my acrostic as long as it is. Is simple enough for me to remember and if I practice it well, I just might memorize it someday.

For now, now my lunch is over so I must go back to work.



Philosopher's Notes

Several friends often ask why I am happy 'most of the time'. Well, I believe it is because I am surrounded by positive influences and positive energy. Speaking of great influences, about a year ago my dear friend Tim Houston gave me a gift. This gift has been one of the greatest gifts someone ever gave me! Thanks Tim!.
So if you are like me, one of those people who does not have time to read hundreds and hundreds of books on living an optimal life, and you still want guidance on how to live your life fully, I invite you to experience Brian Johnson and his Philosopher’s Notes. He has been a great influence to my life and I am forever grateful for his philosophy and the way he spreads his goodness to the world.

For more information click on these links.





For an overall, check out his intro video and check him out!

