I only went out for a walk and finally concluded to stay out till sundown, for going out, I found, was really going in. ~John Muir, 1913, in L.M. Wolfe, ed., John Muir, John of the Mountains: The Unpublished Journals of John Muir, 1938


Self Love Program - Day #8

I am not sure if ya’ll know that I started a 30 day Self Love program.

On this 8th day of my 30 day self love program, I’d like to share my gratitude; I am grateful for having the circle of friends that I have, my great companions and who encourage me daily to Love myself. Thank you friends!!!

So get this!, I did not know loving myself would be so much fun!!. For the first time, I can honestly say that I am doing things strictly and exclusively for ME, without a ‘second agenda’, meaning, they are not because I want to impress someone else, or because I saw a dress that needs to fit me, or looks that I envy, or because I yearn for my 16 year old body back, etc.

Today, I look in the mirror and recite my affirmations, and admire how beautiful I am, how grateful I am for my health (even if I am sick at the moment), and how fortunate I am to be able to reach my goals, step by step and all within my reach, I am happy of the commitment I made to myself, of the love I share and it’s given to me, and of blissciplines that bring me security and happiness.

I feel my love is concentrated on truth and bliss. I love my curves, I love my personality, and I love the world around me, I love my family, I love my friends, I choose to feel good, I choose to stay healthy.

I give great thanks for having the power to smile and coax others to do the same….so contagious is a smile when it comes from your heart and your belly!!.

I encourage you today to write down your affirmations. To look for thoughts that bring you prosperity, love, peace, health. To practice these thoughts until they become the dominant thoughts inside you.


1 comment:

  1. whithout trying to impress me, you have.
    thanks for the smiles.
